Monday, April 18, 2011

Actually it was Round 9

Jenny was actually wrong with her last post. This last treatment was actually number 9. This treatment was a little bit tougher than the last one only because I think that I was still tired from Jenny and I's trip. It was really nice to be able to get away even if it was just for a quick weekend.

We had a blast as Jenny has already told you about in the post that she made. And yes the Dumbo ride did scare me. I felt like I was at the SC State Fair and the ride was going to fall apart at any minute. We made the most of the time that we had there by going to 2 1/2 parks in the first day, and then going all day long the next. We left EARLY Monday morning with the Disney bus picking us up at our hotel at 2:25 AM after just getting back from the parks at 1:00 AM. Now our flight didnt leave until 5:00 but for some reason they thought that there would be major traffic at that time in the morning. We ended up sitting in the US Air line for 45 minutes before we were able to print out our boarding passes. At this point I just gave up on getting any sleep and just stayed up the whole time and was at work at 9:15 Monday morning. Now I did fall asleep at 7:30 Monday night on the couch with my computer in my lap doing work, but the trip was worth the lack of sleep.

This past weekend we made a trip down to Columbia to watch South Carolina play Vandy on Saturday and Sunday. It was good to be able to see my former coaches along with Coaches Corbin and Johnson from Vandy. We were also able to see some of Jenny's friends Saturday night before we went and stayed with her sister and David. We got up on Sunday and went and met Matt, Charlotte, Andi, Sarah, David, Jen, and Joe for a quick brunch before heading over to the game with Matt and Charlotte. We had a great time in Columbia and being able to see the Gamecocks take another SEC series win.

Hopefully this week will be pretty calm and I will be able to catch up on a little bit of rest. I hope that everyone has a great week.


Friday, April 15, 2011

Prep for Round 8

We're running behind on our posts but I thought I'd at least post the pictures from our anniversary trip. It was a MUCH needed vacation for us as its been a long 15 weeks of treatment and an even longer year and a half for the both of us. The wedding checks from last year were put to excellent use as you will be able to see! :)

So here is the recap, 4 parks in 2 days and an all-nighter Sunday night (we went from Magic Kingdom, grabbed a quick shower and went straight to the airport) showed us just how old we really are now. We're still recovering from all of the activity!

Day 1 was Hollywood Studios with Tim's friend Monica, Epcot and we finished out the day at Magic Kingdom. Day 2 was Animal Kingdom and back to Magic Kingdom. We finished just about every ride within all of the parks (except the ones that spin) and even managed to ride a few more than once. Everything was absolutely fantastic (well except for the dinner the night of our actual anniversary which was actually pretty terrible but that's ok :)) and it was really hard to drag ourselves back to reality this week.

Waiting for the Magical Express to drop us at our hotel!

 Dumbo - aka the only ride that Tim was scared of :)

 *disclaimer - I'm not a fan of the blue suede purse but I didn't plan well so when packing it was that or the Myrtle Beach fanny pack...I took the lesser of the 2 evils...although I still want fanny packs to come back in

 Tim playing in the Honey I Shrunk the Kids playground set.

 Tim & I as our future selves...still not sure what happened to his face.

 Epcot at night

 In honor of Tee it Up for Tim.

Tim made a new friend at Animal Kingdom and is thrilled about it.

We will be back soon with additional updates and pictures from the golf tournament as soon as we catch back up with life!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Round 7

Round 7 has been completed. This might have been the easiest of the treatments so far. I don't know why this was the case but I'll take it. I am lucky to have this be the easiest with the golf tournament being held this past Monday.

Steven's friends started coming into town on Friday and the last of them got in on Sunday. Friday I took it easy because I knew that it was going to be a long weekend, and I was correct. On Saturday Steven, Jay, and I went over to Buffalo Wings and watched the Final 4 games. While we were up there Jenny, Barry, Ern, and GH stopped by to hang out.

On Sunday Steven, Jay, Kevin, and I went over to Crosswinds and played the par 3 course to get ready for the tournament the next day. Somehow Steven and Kevin were able to tie Jay and I after 18 holes. We also went to Dick's to get team shirts which ended up being pink. Later that night my mom and dad grilled out and had all of us over for dinner. After dinner we all went downtown to the Ale House to hang out for a little bit.

Monday had finally gotten here. I started the day with a meeting at the office at 8:15 before leaving and heading over to the golf course. We couldn't have asked for a better day for the tournament. The temperature was not too hot and there was only a slight breeze (20 - 30 mph). I got there a little later than I wanted because I thought that "Team Pink" needed to show up together and show team unity. I was amazed at how many people showed up to play in the tournament and a lot of people that I haven't seen in a while. We got started very close to 11 and finished at around 4:45 which is amazing considering how many teams there were on the course.

The dinner / silent auction started right on time and even more people showed up for that. It was wild to look around and see so many people that showed up to support me and my family. I don't have the words to explain just how humbling it is to have that many people to show up to help you personally.

I wanted to take the time to thank all of the people that helped put this event on. The people that got there early in the morning and stayed until late in the night. This event couldn't have happened let alone go off with such a great success. And to everyone that showed up to play golf or come to the dinner I can't thank ya'll enought either. It meant so much to Jenny, myself, and our families to have everyone show up and support us. I had a great time and I think that everyone else had a great time too so thank you so much to everyone.

This week should be pretty normal other than Jenny and I celebrating our first anniversary on Sunday, we've got some pretty cool plans for the weekend that we will fill everyone in on next week.

As always I hope that everyone has a great week. Tim