Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tim's Side

I know Jenny has already given some updates today but I thought I'd give my side of the story.  Today was probably the roughest day for me so far.  After the surgery I was not only hurting on my stomach but now my neck is hurting as well.

We got to the hospital around 7:30 this morning to do all of the normal checking in routine.  They took me back for surgery at around 9 and my nerves were going crazy.  It took about 10 min. once I got into the procedure room before they got started. They gave me the meds that were intended to knock me out but they didn't do their job.  I was awake for the ENTIRE procedure. That was my fear going into thing today and it came true.  I felt the first shot to numb the location and after that I couldn't feel a thing.  I was told when I got out of surgery that I was talking a mile-a-minute.  Who knew that I would do that?

I got back into my post-op room where my folks and Jenny were there waiting.  I could feel the pain in my neck where they connected the port to the vain in my neck to get the medicine to where it needs to be.  I had to wait in the post-op room for around an hour before they left me leave with no prescription for pain medicine.  I am lucky enough to get to take Tylenol for the pain I am experiencing.

I got back to my house and Jenny helped me into the bed and I took about a two hour nap.  I'm so glad I could sleep when I got home and not in the surgery room.  I don't understand sometimes why I do things backwards.

I had a great surprise when Steven came over to hang out with me at around 6:30.  I watched him play video games and now he is sitting with Jenny and I watching the Olympics.

I am going to hang for the rest of the night and hope for a better day tomorrow with no pain.  I want to thank everyone for the kind words and prayers before and after my procedure today, and for that fact this whole process.


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