Thursday, September 9, 2010


Its been awhile since we last posted but wanted to make sure everyone was filled in. Tim had a colonoscopy last Monday which came back perfectly and provided hours of entertainment for me. He does not handle anesthesia very well and is quite the little clown when he is on it. For your colonoscopy they put you in what they call "twilight" sleep where you aren't as far under as you are during a surgery but you aren't really all there either.

When the nurse came to get me she informed me that he talked his way though this procedure too. Apparently you should never trust Tim with trade secrets if he is due to have a procedure with anesthesia. He kept me entertained while he recovered from the surgery and on the car ride home (where he sucked down a milkshake in less than 3 minutes). One thing he did say as he was waking up was that the whole thing was "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy." Hopefully that can help any of you that are 50 or older and in need of a colonoscopy but nervous about having one feel a little better about it!

Other than that we're just trying to adjust to having a "normal" life again. As strange as it sounds its a pretty big adjustment to be able to have all of this new-found free time and not having to worry about whether its a chemo week or not when making plans. As strange as it is, its a great adjustment to have to make.

One last thing. There is a couple at our church named Anne and Tedd Garner in a group call the Palmetto Peloton Project (P3) who ride from Greenville to Austin, TX each year to raise money for cancer research. Every year they pick people to honor as they ride who have just completed or are still in chemo/radiation and this year they have chosen Tim to be one of their "cancer warriors". They leave in about a month and are doing a fundraiser at Barley's on Monday Sept 20 at 6 where its $20/person for appetizers and drinks and a silent auction.

We want to let as many people as possible know about this great group as 80% of all of their fundraising goes directly back to Dr. Edenfield at GHS (Tim's oncologist) and into other local and non-local forms of cancer research which has now become near and dear to our hearts. We may not ever have an answer as to why Tim had cancer, or what caused it but hopefully there will be an answer and a prevention for someone else down the road.

Please feel free to join us for this fundraiser if you are in town or if you can't make it but want to do something feel free to pass the infomation below along to help spread the word. The more people that know about this the better the turn-out can be!

Thanks so much for your help and support, hopefully we can continue sending along great reports over the next year! :)

Eat, Drink, Beat Cancer
Come out to Barley's in downtown Greenville for a fun night of eating, drinking and beating cancer.  Registration is online and at the door.  When you register online you will receive 5 raffle tickets for a chance of great prizes.  The party will start at 6pm on Monday, September 20.
Register Online for this event now!
For more info contact Anne Garner

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