Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Prep for Round 7

This past weekend was really quiet for me. I just got some errands done, did a little babysitting for a friend and made a little progress on a bench (see picture below) that I've been working on for months now. It's not exactly what I've been imagining (anyone who knows me well, knows that the wrinkle you see in the fold below is driving me NUTS! :) ) but it doesn't collapse when you sit on it and for that alone I'm proud, haha.

Tim went on a Mancation for the weekend down to Fripp Island with my dad, uncle, some of their friends and one of Tim's friends. From what I understand they had a great time although they really didn't catch anything and had to go out to buy their dinner rather than eating what they caught. All-in-all I think it was a nice little break for Tim as the 18 rounds of chemo seem to have caught up to him at this point.

Yesterday we had another doctor's appointment to go over Tim's results and the plan for this next time. Poor guy has had his rash return and its has spread a little further this time than the last although it isn't a severe as it was before. This time the worst of it is on his scalp which makes showers painful for him but it is also on his arms, legs, back, stomach, shoulders, face and within his ears and nose. He is also developing some canker sores which makes eating a difficult procedure. He applies some Canka and has about 5 minutes to eat before it wears off and he has to reapply. Dr. Edenfield prescribed the magic mouthwash for him yesterday so we're hoping that might give him the respite he needs.

Even though the rash is back we are still taking it as a great sign. I told one of our ministers today that although I think Tim's doctors have done great work and our change of lifestyle (technically more his since I've been sneaking McDonalds hot fudge sundaes and worrying about coming home with chocolate on my breath) has contributed greatly to the success so far I really think this incredible network of support that is you all and prayers from you all that we have been given is what has given us the success we have seen so far.

Dr. Edenfield was very positive yesterday but is going to hold the Vecitibix on Wednesday to allow Tim's skin to ease back down. Once that happens he is going to switch him to Erbitux which is essentially the same as Vecitbix but requires a weekly infusion rather than bi-weekly. So technically he will still get chemo every other week but we will go in every Wednesday for this additional drug. He is hoping that maybe Tim won't get the rash like we've been seeing with him (although again, it is a great thing) but will still get the benefit the drug provides.

Everything is still up in the air for what happens next but there are a couple of different options on the table right now, its still just a wait and see game at this point. We are both extremely excited for what is in store over the next week (chemo not being included in that). We both love seeing our friends and family together in one place so the golf tournament, silent auction and dinner will be such a much needed good time for us. We also have our first anniversary the following weekend to celebrate. Its so crazy that it has already been a year, time seems to be speeding by but we're enjoying every bit of it despite the current circumstances. :)

Hope you all have a great week, we will follow up later and hope to see many of you on Monday!!


  1. Thanks for the update--bench looks great--the wrinkle is just one of those little wrinkles that we encounter on our journey--hope the magic mouthwash helps--I have heard from others that it helps--hope so and hope the new med leaves Tim with fewer side effects and lots of positive results--know it has to be frustrating for him. Happy anniversary very soon!

    Celeste George

  2. Hey Jenny, this is Katie Coleman, random blast from the past:) i was actually working in a colon cancer research lab over at MUSC for a few years after USC, and while i was there we ran a patient trial on chemo and radiation patients for Neem mouthwash--you can get it at whole foods, earthfare, stores like that. It had a pretty impressive effect on patients with chemo-induced imouth and throat lesions--just thought i would let you know about it in case tim hadn't tried it yet. Hope you guys are doing well:)

  3. Thanks Katie! We will def check into that! Hope you are doing well!
