Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Round 5 Done, Chemo - 2, Tim - 2, Tie - 1

Round 5 is now officially in the books. The every-other week treatment schedule has finally become routine again. I didn't think that I would have to say that again but here we are. The treatments aren't getting any easier but they aren't getting harder either, its just something that I am used to again. The one thing that has come back again for these treatments is the stale medicine taste that I get in my mouth. This will usually last through the weekend and it really makes eating or drinking anything really hard those days that I am on treatment.

Ok after all of my complaining and whining I will now turn to positive or happy things. While Jenny and I were at the Cancer Center on Wednesday for my treatment we were able to have one of the best doughnuts that either of us have ever eaten. Lynn told us that there is another patient that is from Abbeville and he stops at an Amish bakery in Abbeville every other Wednesday and picks up doughnuts for the people that work at the Cancer Center. Well she brought us one and it was amazing. It was a mix between Krispy Kreme and Dunkin Doughnuts. I am hoping to find out the name of the bakery next week so Jenny and I can make a trip there.

Thursday Jenny and I were lucky to have Haley and Lillian stop by for a little bit. She is getting so big so fast and it is so much fun watching her grow up. It still amazes me that she is almost a year old. Jill, Sarah Lauren & Hazel also got to stop by for a quick visit that same day. All of them stopping by really helped break up the week and seeing the babies make it move by a little faster.

The weekend went by extremely fast and nothing really exciting happened, we did our standard grocery shopping at Trader Joe's on Saturday after Jenny babysat Eli Stathakis on Saturday morning and Andrea came over to watch movies. Jenny ended up in bed all day Sunday after getting a Phenergan shot for a migraine, she ended up taking off half a day today to sleep and I think is finally feeling better. I was impressed with her sleeping though, I can't even do that when I'm on treatment.

Last night dad and I were able to get 2 tickets (thank you Glenn) to the USC vs Clemson baseball game. The game turned out to be a great game and very exciting to watch. I was able to see a lot of former teammates and friends at the game, so it turned out to be a great night not to mention that the Gamecocks won the game and the season series.

The rest of this week should be pretty standard except that 3 of Jenny's cousins are coming to stay with us this weekend. It will be me and four girls which should be interesting.

I don't know how many people know yet but the BrightLife crew has decided to put a golf tournament, dinner and silent auction together for April 4th at Green Valley Country Club. It should be a lot of fun and would love to see anyone that can make it out there. If you're a golfer, come spend the day with us and if you aren't you can still plan on joining us for the dinner and silent auction. To sign-up for either or both just click on the "Tee It Up for Tim" link on this page (on the right-hand column) which will take you where you need to go or just click here.

I hope that everyone has a great week.


  1. Hi Tim,

    We are so glad you are moving along well with your treatments. Your strength and courage are amazing. You seem to keep your sweet personality no matter what your obstacles. That's a wonderful trait to have.

    We were very sorry to miss the benefit for you at Soby's and cannot believe we will miss the golf activities, too. We will be in Florida as Jess and Nick are closing on their house on April 4th and we've been commissioned help with painting and moving. We do hope the benefit will be a great one though.

    Will there be more opportunities coming up? We would love to participate in something for you. We keep you in our thoughts, prayers and hearts. There is so much wonderful research and progress being made with cancer treatments that is so encouraging. We pray you will have a complete recovery with yours.

    Last night I had dinner with Pam Civils, Linda Green and some of the other Thornblade ladies. We were all in agreement that you and your family are very special and we are all pulling for you. We also agreed that your little Jenny seems to be a wonderful wife and we are all thankful you have her (there is no doubt that she's fortunate, too, but that goes without saying). Anyway, I'm very pleased to know how supportive Jenny and all of the community have been.
    You are not in this alone.

    Please keep us on the list for updates. If the closing is rescheduled, I know Jeff would love to play in the tournament and I would enjoy the auction. If it doesn't work out, we'll see you at the next event.


    Sherry and Jeff Wharton

  2. I enjoy reading about your trials and tribulations each week. Right now Rickia is playing PE teacher for me today. She gets to sit in three classes of sex ed.
    Weould love info about the golf outing but couldn't find the link. Shoot me some info.
    Take care,
