Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 To Go

I am sorry that I haven't written anything in a while. I figured that people were tired of reading my posts and they could use a little bit of Jenny in their life. I have finished with 11 treatments so far this year for a total of 23 over the past year, and will start my last one a week from Wednesday. I don't want to confuse anyone but this will just be the last treatment for a little while. I am getting a short break from chemo and will start back again hopefully in a couple of months. It will be so nice to have a break from the treatments even if it ends up being only for a couple of weeks.

They didn't give me the Erbitux this past week because the rash on my face was still a little bit too much. The treatment this time wasn't too bad and I was able to catch up on some sleep Wed. - Fri. We didn't do a CEA test this past week so I don't know how that number is doing. I talked with Dr. Edenfield and I think that we will do another CT Scan sometime in either June or July depending on what my CEA number does over the next couple of weeks.

This weekend was actually kind of busy for Jenny and I. On Saturday morning we got up and went and watched Ern's daughter Emma in her dance recital. She did an amazing job and was so cute up there. After is was over Jenny and I went out to eat with Ant before going over to Josh and John's house for John's birthday. After hanging out with them for a little while we came home and I was able to crash after a long Saturday.

Yesterday I got up and I went and played golf with Martin, David, and Drew. We headed up to Willow Creek and got stuck behind a tournament but it was still a lot of fun. It was a good weekend but it was long and tiring.

Today it was back to work and then over to Steven and Haley's for Lillian's 1st birthday party. She has gotten to be so cute and is talking a lot now. We had a great dinner and all enjoyed watching Lillian play with all of her new toys.

I hope that everyone has a great week.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Tim,

    I know you and Jenny are excited about getting a break from the chemo. Just wanted to let you know you and your family are in my daily prayers and in our weekly Small Group from church. Keep the faith and please give your family my love.


