Wednesday, April 11, 2012

CT Scan Results

Well we made it through another scan. We got the results back today from the CT Scan that I had done Monday. It showed that the cancer has not spread to any other organ in my body and there are no new spots on my lungs. However, it did show that two of the spots have gotten larger. Now as for what this means. Dr. Edenfield, Jenny and I have been discussing wanting to do a biopsy of one of the spots for a couple of months now, but they have been so small that he was afraid of causing more damage than benefit if they tried the surgery. One of the spots is just large enough that he now feels comfortable going ahead with the biopsy. This means that after allowing the Avastin to get out of my system in about 3 weeks I will be having surgery to remove one spot for biopsy. There will be another week where I will be recovering & they will do the DNA profile of the tumor then we will consult & decide what to do next for what should be about a 6 week break. This will be the longest break off of drugs since June of last year.

Jenny and I left my visit with Dr. Edenfield and were able to have a consultation with Dr. Stephenson who will be doing my surgery sometime around the first week of May. To refresh everyone's minds about the reasoning for the biopsy is that they will be able to get a profile on the nodule they remove and be able to test that against all types of drugs there are for chemo. This means that it might be a drug used for breast cancer patients works for the profile of my cancer cells. They have come such a long way even since I was first diagnosed with hopefully finding more cures being just around the corner.

To switch gears just a little bit. I want to now talk a bit about the golf tournament and silent auction coming up a week from Monday. As everyone knows we are donating all of the money that we raise to help fund research for my doctor and his studies to help find a cure for colon cancer. Well the profiling that they are going to do for my biopsy is exactly what his research is all about. I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and wanting to donate all of the proceeds to iTOR only confirms that. Great things are being done to help me and my friends that I have made at Cancer Centers of the Carolinas and I feel honored and great that I am able to help in their fight against this terrible disease. I didn't think that I would be affected this soon from the money we raise but I will be and I just want to take time to thank everyone that has signed up and is helping to fight. I am extremely humbled and honored that so many people have donated their time, money, and efforts to help me do something that I have become very passionate about. So I just wanted to say a big thank you from not only me but Jenny, my family, and hers. We would not be able to do this without the help from all of you.

As always I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week and weekend. And an early congrats to Jen and Joe on their wedding this weekend.


p.s. If you haven't signed up but you want to just go to & click on "Register Now" at the bottom of the page.


  1. Hey Tim! I'm Patti Greenwell's niece that is from Ky. I don't know if you remember me and Eddie coming to visit you guys when we were younger or not. I have been following your journey and I'm amazed at what God has brought you through. To say that you are a miracle seems like an understatement. Could you please send me your email address when you get a chance. I have something I want to share with you. Thanks so much! Praying for you daily!!!

  2. God works in mysterious ways. We will not be in Greenville for event. you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Marshall asks for an update on your progress when he calls home.
