Saturday, May 5, 2012


The rest of yesterday & last night were pretty uneventful, we actually got some decent sleep without being checked on every hour.

This morning Tim had another chest X-ray & we met with the doctors who gave the go-ahead for him to be discharged. They removed the IV needle from his port & changed his chest tube bandage so I saw that incision for the first time. It's much smaller than I envisioned & was already considerably healed up.

Tim is still pretty sore but he hasn't taken any pain meds since yesterday afternoon, nor has he needed them. He's quite a little trooper.

We got home around 12 to find that one of our sweet neighbors had mowed for us. Yet another example of how all of you have gone so above & beyond, we are so grateful!

My mom dropped our dog off & the three of us have been napping all afternoon. There is a pizza on its way now & we have every intention of being lazy bums for the remainder of today & tomorrow and will take it a day at a time from there.


  1. Great news, Jenny...... Sounds like the perfect plan! Now, go rest.........all three of you:)

    Much love,
    the Chapman Clan

  2. Great to hear.
    Both of you diserve a couple of days to do NOTHING.
    Take care.

  3. SO happy Tim is doing well. Again keep us posted and let me know if there is anything we can do! Love you!
