Monday, July 28, 2014

A Plan in Place

The past few weeks have kept us pretty busy. As sweet Tim announced, I turned 30 and he found some amazing deals to take us up to New York for a long weekend which we returned from last Monday evening. We had an amazing (& DELICIOUS) time up there and even got to hang out with friends from Greenville who were up for market.

We got the news we'd been waiting for when we landed in NYC that all negotiations had been worked out and we would get to close on a new house for us! Our agent (Jennifer Van Gieson) has been awesome (& very patient) through the whole process. Tim & I are alike in many ways but we also have very different likes & expectations. Plus we are both really picky so Jennifer had her work cut out for her and found us a great house we should be happy in for awhile. We close on Wednesday afternoon and we've got a few renovations to complete before we move in but are looking forward to having some space of our own again.

I will say that living with my parents has been much appreciated in our in-between period (& for those that didn't know, my sister's husband got a job here in Greenville at the same we got a contract on our house so we currently have 6 adults, 4 dogs and an almost 1 year old in the same house), were really lucky to have parents willing to take us in. It's been much calmer than I expected but one downside (which is also a positive many times) is that you are never alone so that will be a nice change with our new place. We've also learned a valuable lesson that you should never live with a baby until you have a baby. No matter how cute or sweet they are, there is something satisfying about spoiling the baby (or kid) and sending them home. That same principle doesn't work well when home is across the house :) it has been fun getting to watch our niece grow & develop over the past few months though.

We met with Dr. Edenfield the Tuesday after we returned and got Tim signed up for a trial at iTOR which looks really promising. It also is a pill based chemo so although there are some potentially significant side effects, this should give Tim's body a MUCH needed break. We're pretty anxious to see if this works for him. 

He'll have some blood work & scans this week in preparation for starting this new treatment (you have to have a 3-6 week break between treatments to get the previous drug out of your system) but were not expecting anything significant from that. 

We did hear that a friend we made through chemo years ago, Chan Beacham, passed away yesterday morning. You spend hours in the chemo room every other week and many of those hours for us were spent chatting with Chan and his wife Becky. Chan also had colon cancer and was diagnosed a few years before Tim, he and Becky graciously lead us through unfamiliar territory and were always a kind and calming influence about what we should expect. They've become dear friends of our over the years and Chan put up a brave fight, the world has lost an amazing man. Please keep his wife, Becky, and the rest of their family in your prayers in the next few weeks.

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