Sunday, March 4, 2012

Almost Time

We've got Tim's appointment at 12:30 tomorrow and are starting to get anxious about what the results may be. We still haven't really decided what results we would even want to have but have come to the conclusion that as long as the cancer hasn't spread to any other organ we are prepared for what's ahead. Today has been a pretty quiet day and we're about to head out to get some dinner and do a little grocery shopping for the week before we lay around and catch up on some TV tonight.

If you don't mind, say a little extra prayer tonight for good news tomorrow, whatever it may be!

We will be back once we have more information.


  1. Prayers continue to be said.!!!!!

  2. I will be praying for Tim, especially for tomorrow.

  3. We will be praying for good results! Jane & David Godwin

  4. You and Tim are always in my prayers. What a journey for you, your families.........and saying "I care" just seems so inadequate.

    I hope you saw Ryan's engagement announcement in the Greenville News a few weeks ago. He and Alison are getting married in Baton Rouge.....her hometown.....on April 21. They are excited, and so are both families. Ryan also starts a new job on March 12, so he knows he has lots of new things happening in his life! But please know that he has more than once commented that he knows how lucky he is to have good health, and he will mention thinking about you and a good friend he has from his Virginia Tech days who is struggling with lung cancer. Your thoughtful grandmother sent us a copy of the announcement from her paper.

    Steve will always remember the hugs he got from you during those times we kept late stay at FBC when you and Ryan were in the same classes! Know that more hugs are sent now from both of us as we do think about you and Tim tomorrow.


    Carroll Luck

  5. Tim and Jenny.... You are ALWAYS in our prayers, but there will be extra ones tonight and in the a.m.

    Keep the faith and trust in our Savior!!


  6. You two are the bravest young people I have my prayers..
