Monday, March 5, 2012

PET Results

The day has finally come and gone. We had my bi-weekly doctor visit with Dr. Edenfield today to get the news from the PET Scan that I had last Monday. We looked over it and nothing lit up on the scan. (By lit up I mean that a PET Scan shows where sugar is being used in the body, and cancer runs on sugar, so where cancer is in my body it would light up white.) Now, the spots that showed up on the CT Scan were still there but they are so small that they wont show up on the PET Scan. This simply means that it has been over a year and a half since my last PET Scan and nothing new has shown up, which is great news. We also found out that since the spots are so small we cannot do the biopsy of one of the spots. Dr. Edenfield said that it was too dangerous to do the biopsy and cause trama to one of my lungs when they are so small. We are putting this off to a later date if and when the spots get larger.
Now what does all of that information mean as far a chemo goes. As of this coming Wed. I will no longer be on the current chemo regimine, which is FOLFIRI with Vectibix. We are going to switch back to FOLFOX (which is what I was on for my 1st 12 treatments back in 2010) and combine that with Avastin. We are hoping to stay on this for at least 6 months and then re-evaluate the situation then.
Today was a great day for us and I want to thank everyone for saying an extra prayer for us. Those go a long way.
I hope that everyone has a great week. And incase you didnt see, you can now sign up for the golf tournament at I hope to see everyone soon.


  1. This is great to hear! Saying extra prayers for y'all all the time! Keep staying strong :)

  2. I love you guys!!! This is such good news-the prayers keep coming!!


  4. GREAT NEWS, Tim ! We Chapman's are sooooooooooo happy for you all!

  5. So happy for you two--

    Celeste George

  6. Praising God with you!
    Krista Gibson

    FYI: Riverside beat Dorman last night in their opener. So excited to see Connor finally get to start as a senior.
